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The Hill. The Flats. Desert Blume. Riverside. Four iconic Medicine Hat neighbourhoods that give the city its sense of place. But they’re not the only ones.

Medicine Hat Brewing Company, Medicine Hat, Alberta.
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Medicine Hat Hill neighbourhood.

The Hill

The Hill is one of the city’s original neighbourhoods, with the oldest areas developed by CP Rail upon its arrival in the area in the late 1800s. Fun fact: while the original CP neighbourhood was built parallel to the newly-completed rail line running Northwest through the city, later developments on The Hill were aligned to true north which makes the beloved original areas look slightly askew to the rest of the city.


Riverside is a small, well-established neighbourhood located along the South Saskatchewan River’s north bank. This is where you will find prestigious riverfront homes mixed with well-cared for homes of all sizes. A small neighbourhood commercial district is anchored by one of the city’s most popular and enduring cafes, the Zucchini Blossom.

Medicine Hat Riverside neighbourhood.
Medicine Hat Flats neighbourhood.

The Flats

The Flats is a park-like neighbourhood situated next to the South Saskatchewan River. Many of the city’s walking and biking paths connect directly to this neighbourhood, as do two of the city’s largest parks: Lion’s Park and Strathcona Park.

Shae Fedorak

“Some of my closest friends are small business owners, and you can connect with people through your passions here."

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Coulee Ridge

The first greenfield development within Medicine Hat city limits in over 10 years and 2021, 2022 and 2023 BILD Medicine Hat Development of the Year, Coulee Ridge features finely crafted homes set against the natural beauty of Medicine Hat’s Naismith Coulee. At the heart of phase I and II is Junegrass Pond, ringed by a multi-use pathway, a boardwalk with gathering places and gorgeously landscaped grounds that highlight and support the thriving natural environment.

No matter where you are in your life, Coulee Ridge offers an abundance of lot choice, amenities and convenience for busy families and couples of all ages.

Coulee Ridge, Medicine Hat

Desert Blume

Desert Blume is the city’s premier luxury neighborhood, surrounded by Desert Blume Golf Club. Located just south of the city, this is where many of Medicine Hat’s most prestigious homes are located. If Medicine Hat were a Monopoly game, Desert Blume would be Boardwalk.

13 things to know about living in Medicine Hat

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Move to Medicine Hat is actively supported by these lead community minded organizations, and made possible in part through funding / sponsorship.

The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services. Les gouvernements de l’Alberta et du Canada travaillent en partenariat et financent conjointement des programmes et des services d’aide à l’emploi.